Saturday, May 12, 2012

you got a hubcap diamond star halo

i tried to fend this post off for months...i wanted to wait until it got warmer out, but every other time i tried to compile a more spring-y post it just felt wrong.

also, haircut!

bang a gong (get it on) - t.rex, debbie harry, jaime sanfuentes, elle fanning by venetia scott, foxes, rodney bingenheimer's english disco, skateboarding suburb girl, the virgin suicides


  1. I am majorly in love with the hot summer vibes happening here. I try to make my own vibey posts but they never compare to yours. Debbie Harry is the greatest, Elle Fanning has such an easy style to her (you've seen "Somewhere" right?!), and I have always wanted to be a cool skateboarder chick… guess this summer is the best time to learn.
    Love this post - makes me so excited for summer!! Nice hair by the way, love the cut :)

    1. aaahh, thank you so much! debbie harry's a goddess, man, a stone fox, as it were. but sadly, i haven't gotten around to watching "somewhere". (artsy teen blogger card revoked) does it really move as slow as people say? also, thanks to whip it, i'm more of a roller derby girl myself. but you'd look totally cool on a skateboard.

  2. Hi, so I tried to message you via google friend connect or whatever, but it didn't let me :( I'm making a zine and I'm writing an article on blogging and I wanted to interview a few bloggers for said article. Would it be possible for me to interview you? You can e-mail me at with your response!

